Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Memory Lane

MEMORY LANE- This will be fun!This is just too fun to pass up.Here are the directions:1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! I guess good or bad but be nice!!!!!!!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Aly said...

So many memories with you my friend. One that sticks out in my mind the most..
All of our fun Surge memories of course! gotta love that car! But my favorite memory of you Nat and I have told you this before, was going on a walk with you around my circle and the neighborhood for a really long time, just talking about everything. I think sophomore year? a conversation of a life time baby! That is one of my favorite memories of you. I love you!!

The Bonham Family said...

I love Aly's comment with the Surge mobile! Well you were right on with the dressing up at your house. It was extremely hard to do this but I think the grand finale memory was smoothie nights on your front porch with old Paul! And Bear Lake! Ok and making out with Bruce for like 10 hours every Friday night! So so many good times and many many more to come! Love you lots. Oh yes most recently our San Diego trip riding our bikes along the boardwalk!

Ashlie said...

Ahhhh...all the memories. I think my best memory was when we tried out for drill together and made it. That was so much fun! I also remember our night of "hazing" when the seniors dressed us up, trashed us with garbage and took us to Denny's. Most of my high school memories involve you in some way. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend! Love you! Oh...and the "catch". = - )

Anonymous said...

Lets see whats my fav Nat memory? Im going to have to go with our trip to Vegas with Erica. Peeing on the side of the road, Dancing in our under wear in our hotel room, you know the good stuff! Any time is a great time with you Nat and I love that you always have treats, cause Im all about the treats! Love you! Miss you!

Lac said...

My funniest memories with you is when we went up to your cabin and for some crazy reason decided that we should sit in that freezing cold water on that trail. I thought we were going to get hypothermia! It was so fun up there, four wheeling, and everything. Your Grandpa telling me I couldn't leave the cabin wearing a spaghetti strapped shirt! Good times! I also remember good times in Pepperwood!

Jennifer Phillips said...

Ok so I know this might be kind of weird because I haven't seen you since probably highschool but I was blog hopping and I came across your blog so I thought I would leave a comment. My memory of you was in highschool when you let me borrow your red dress for shars, I loved that dress, you were always so nice and I also remember when I went to pick it up your mom answered the door to get it for me and I thought to myself wow her mom is super nice too.

Lindsay Wright said...

Oh Nat. I have so many great memories of you and I and of course they started out at Bodymasters and Club Tan. I remember when I first met you I though you were the prettiest, sweetest, most sincere girl I had ever met. We talked all about Brody when we started dating and you were the first one I came to when Bro gave me my first ring after we had been dating for 6 months. It was just a white gold band with engraving in it, but you made me feel like it was a 5 carat diamond ring. You are so amazing Nat! I love you so much! I am so glad we have those fun memories together.

Miss Bear said...

Hey Nat...
Okay, this is so weird that I remember this, and I can't even remember who else was there, but in 6th grade (I think) we all danced to Paula Abdul's classic.."Cold Hearted Snake" for a talent show of some sort! I remember we practiced in your basement all the time! I personally think we rocked it...but I have no idea if anyone else would remember!! :)

brookeandruss said...

17736Where do I begin!!!! My whole life has you in it. I would have to say my most memorable is when I asked you if I could have some of your candy when we were little and you said only if I jumped off the ledge in our house! I remember you telling me that you and your friends did cartwheels off it all the time and I wouldn't get hurt (liar!) So of course I went and jumped off of it and I tore about every tendon I could in my foot. Then we were scared to tell mom and dad what happened and told them I did a front flip off the couch. That lie didn't last long:) I remember you got in so much trouble, ha ha. I also remember you pulling me down the stairs by my hair, oh the memories.

However, I was not that nice to you either. I remember I used to hang your bra and underwear up in your bedroom window when I was mad at you. Oh, and calling you the "PBB" you know what that stands for:)

We do have lots of fun memories. They are not all bad:)

BrainandHeather said...

Hey Nat!
I have tonz of memories! I think one of my favorite was when we went skydiving in Hawaii! I always laugh when I think of that because your shirt flew up and pretty much you gave a good show for everyone else to see! Oh ya I remember growing up I looked up to you so much! I always wanted to do my makeup like you, ,or do my hair like you. Also I love shopping out of your closet. You are the shopping queen!Anyways I love ya girl!

..::k.toms::.. said...

Oh Nat...
Where do I start?
I remember living with you in St. George and you throwing a "certain something" off our balcony and EVERYONE in the whole complex got a letter saying how "inappropriate that was".
I remember you and I driving to Sconecutter in the middle of the night to get a shake "Small Icecream Strawberry Oreo shake" and then getting pulled over by a cop! He said he thought there were "3 people sitting in the front seat".
I remember you telling me that I have a funny run when we went running on the boardwalk in San Diego that year we went w/ the Brighton boys.
You have always been the nicest person Nat. You could never hurt anyone's feelings and I love that about you!
And of course- you are stunningly beautiful!