Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh, it's a backyard.

After living in our house for nearly two years, we discovered that the small patch of weeds (now dirt) behind our house is actually considered a backyard. Additionally the HOA wants us to do something to make it look presentable. Having completely ignored the yard (front & back) since moving in, Nat and I finally decided to take a little pride in our yard, and have been working (sort of) to make it more presentable. We had the idea of building a “white trash Stonehenge” with old cars, which the neighbors would no doubt appreciate. We were very dissapointed when the news reported today that a redneck in Hooper, Utah stole our idea.

Once we recovered from our brief moment of depression, we came up with a new game plan for the back yard... a ditch. I began digging the ditch around 4:30 pm. It turns out that our backyard actually turns into hell around 4:30, and the temperature adjusts accordingly. I had prepared myself a nice tall glass of ice water. Unfortunately, my glass of ice water was very good at collecting all the of dust I stirred up. On top of that two wolf spiders found my water and decided to have a pool party in it. I had only been in the back yard (hell) for 30 minutes, my clothes were saturated in sweat, I had a few blisters on my hands, as well as a dirty cup of ice water with spiders swimming in it. Because I did not want to dig the ditch anymore, I decided that all of these things were a sign that I needed to go inside and relax for the night, and that is exactly what I did.

Nat came home shortly after and, after seeing my sweaty pathetic self lying on the floor, promised that she would finish the ditch. My mind immediately began playing the images of Nat swinging the pick and shoveling out the rocky dirt... and I laughed. Nat, being the truly wonderful person she is, did not get mad, but rather found motivation in my doubt. She went upstairs, changed her clothes, grabbed the tools, finished the ditch, and looked ridiculously hot doing it! Do I feel like less of a man because my wife showed me up? Not at all, I think it makes Nat look like more of a man. I love my manly woman! Thanks Babe!

My original intention was to post the picture of Nat working in the backyard. It turned into a very long and absurdly stupid story about how she ended up there. I apologize to everyone who wasted their time reading this.

(James. Enough blogs. Get back to work!)


The Bonham Family said...

My dearest Jordy! Way to go on gettin Nat out there to kick some A! We were laughing so hard at you! I can only imaging the agony you must have been going through.What a hott sexy wife to go out there and do some damage, it would only have been better if she was in her bikini! or better yet in cowboy boots and a hat! Thanks for the good laugh! James wants to know how come his drawing did'nt make it to the blog!!! JK

Lac said...

That is so funny! Go Nat!

Cindy said...

So how do I get Scott to post on our blog?! Nice work Nat! It was a good attempt Jordy! You crack me up!

Heath said...

WHOA, a husband gettin' in on the blog action....I dig! Nat, you're awesome to get in the dirt and grime like a REAL WOMAN. I just finished mowing our lawn and weeding, are you sure you want a yard? It doesn't get any easier but if you've got the HOA riding you, it's probably time to appease the neighbors and not be the "one's with the ugly yard."

The Bryner Bunch said...

I love that pic of you Nat!!! We have the same type of little backyard and we ended up hiring a landscaper to do it for us because you think your backyard is HELL try 110+!!!

Anonymous said...

Jordy... I heart you! This was a great story :)

Suz :)

brookeandruss said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I am laughing so hard right now. Jordy, I love that you posted that! I love the picture of Nat even funny. I am excited to see your backyard when it's done. I am sure it will be beautiful. Nat, good job big girl on finishing the ditch. I don't think I could have done know me, I am a baby:)