Thursday, August 28, 2008


Jordy and his buddy's had a genius idea to tube the Provo Canyon River a few weeks ago. It was so much fun! The journey began when Brandon loaded up all of the tubs in the back of his truck once we reached the canyon. Pete had the biggest tube and they were all strapped down but for some reason his flew off and went rolling down the highway. It was so scary and luckily no cars hit it. Once we got to the river, we were trying to decide on where to start. We tried to get to the highest point so that we could tube for longer. We ended up hiking down the steepest hill and landed on the rail road tracks, just right after the train had passed. It was quite the adventure so far... Meghan and I decided to share a tube so that we could slut it up together in our bikinis (feeling like we needed to rebel with being in Happy Valley). The water was freezing but it was so much fun!! Poor Wade had a few falls and his leg got all cut up and he had a huge bump on his leg (size of a softball) from hitting a rock. But don't worry, he is okay. All in all, we all had such a blast together and I don't think I have ever laughed so hard!!!

Jordy and Brandon being the hotties that they are...

Miss sexy Meghan and I trying to slut it up (but not doing a good job)

Wade chillin...

Brandon and Meghan, so CUTE!!!

Jordy and Nat :)


Brandon & Meghan said...

Too much fun!! I laughed pretty hard that day as well...I enjoyed running into trees with you:)

The Bonham Family said...

Natty! Looks like a good time, sorry I could'nt come! Way to rebel girl!!! livin on the edge!!! Thanks for tonight, I had a ton of fun. Talk to your cute sexy butt soon.

JR and Brynn said...

Yo, too much information. I am sure I can guess what is happening in that picture. So cute. I am so glad that you rebelled in Happy Valley. Now that I am gone it is definately lacking in the slut category. Thanks for subbing in. :)

Aly said...

You are so dang funny! I am sad our dinner didn't work out! we will have to go soon!

Anonymous said...

How fun... I wish Justin's friends and wives were as fun and adventrous.... at least sometimes Brandon lets his little brother and his wife come hang out.. maybe next time we can come... ;) lol... sort of invited myself onto your blog.. sorry.. its all Meghans fault she has you listed on her blog...

The Morzelewski Family said...

Sounds like FUN! But cold....right? YOu are adorable, can't wait for our GNO this month!!!! Sooo excited :-)

The Bryner Bunch said...

You guys are always doing fun things...I love it! Such a fun couple:) Love ya Nat!

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun. I definitely could have added to the "slut" factor HA!! You are too funny Nat. Let's get together and play!!!! I want to hike Timpanogos!!!


Heath said...

You? Slutting it up with another girl? Shocka! That's the Nat we know and love! I haven't done that for years. (Tubing, I mean) I slut it up all the time:)

..::k.toms::.. said...

I did that a few years ago and lost my flip flop in the mix! So fun!
And um, I just read Suzy's comment and I want to invite myself. I love hiking Timpanogos! Call me and let's make it a girls hike!

Tulameen Turtles said...

We were googling our better halfs name - and explaining what googleable meant so we put in "Jordy Neilson" and came up with your blog.. lol

We also have a cabin, he once worked for a company named ACS here in BC (Aluminum Curtinwall systems), and we spent a lot of time at the lake and out in the woods camping, hiking..

He's enjoying reading about his alternante life.. lol

Glad you guys are so happy.. :)